Affiliate Exclusive Marketing  Group

Helping small business owners market their message online.

Helping small business owners promote their business online without the heavy costs offered by the high priced ad agencies. Forcing the business owner to do it themselves or do nothing at all. Click the button below to get your free guide on 25 website design tips.  

About the Main Product/Service

This is where branding your message sets yourself up from the rest of the internet marketers. Because influence comes first and income comes second. For the most part the biggest struggle facing a newbie marketer is the start. Once you get through this stage, you are good to go. Two major factors is losing sales to the individual with greater influence and how you have been marketed too. You come into this industry looking to change your circumstances. With money being the common motivator. The approach is I want to make money, how soon can I get there. So, the approach is not necessarily the path you want to take if you want any longevity in this business. So, this leaves you looking at getting links to offer without the necessary build up or relationship building. Our aim is to help you discover your branding message and go out and share it with the world.

Membership Site

Available to you is access to valuable content focusing on 5 items that should be included in your content: traffic, List/loyalty. Socialmedia, Influence/authority, and income generation.


Been where you are whether you are just starting out or have been at it for any length of time. I understand what it is like to be where you are. Not someone from a tech firm telling you how to solve an issue they never confronted themselves. 


Providing solutions for small business. Today’s business environment revolves around the internet. For a lot of small businesses paying 25k/yrs. is something they can’t afford, leaving them to their own devices. We offer affordable solutions to either assist or get you started.


In many cases getting in contact with the source can be difficult. Our aim is to be accessibilie to answer any questions you may have because your success is important to us. We don't believe that the weekly training session is sufficient. we will do our best to respond effectively and promptly.

The Affiliate Exclusive Marketing Group

Avoid the struggles you face in internet marketing.

Welcome. First, I believe everyone has possibilities of doing great things with proper gudience. Second, you have come to the right place.

I have been involved in Internet marketing for over 3 years and I have been in the trenches with you. I'm still in them to this day. So, I am not someone speaking from a point of view where I had things figured out. I worked hard and made plenty of mistakes along the way. Anything from the wrong products, listening to the wrong people. I know where you are at.

My position is to help people find clarity on their message. I'm here to show you or share with you ideas and strategies that actually work. What apps to avoid and which ones to use.
Lastly, I want you to avoid the struggles that face newbie affiliate, Internet, or online marketers who are brand new to the industry.

Your Training Center

You can't become successful online if you aren't improving your skill set. At your disposal will be education content, courses that will help you achieve this. The moduals are based on the following topics: traffic, growing your list, build a social media presence, build your authority, and generating sales for your business.


Traffic is the lifeblood of your online business. Without it you have no business. 

List building/Loyalty

To build the know like and trust you need to be out there with a strategy that keeps you current in the mind of your audience. List building is one of the primary, cost effective ways to build and stay in contact with your audience. 


Hate to say it but without any authority it becomes difficult to make sales. People are more skeptical than ever because of the over promises followed up by under delivering. Building the know, like and trust takes time. This is why you need to be out there consistently building that trust. 

Profit Generation

One of the biggest challenges facing any internet marketer is converting traffic into sales. Despite what you may think, the purchasing process is no different today than a century ago. People purchase on impulse and justify through logic. Undersanding the sales process is critical to your success. 

Social Media

Let's face it. In order to build any authority these days you need a social media strategy.

Area of Service

In the internet marketing space there are 3 areas that you need to have knowledge about. Even if you plan on hiring these services out. You need to have basic knowledge so you can at the minimum knowing quality work from poor quality.

Content creation
Technical Design
sales and marketing

Our Main Services

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Content Creation

Content is your connection between you and your potential customer. The statistics show that you must make at least 12 contacts with someone before they consider buying. Also, engagement builds trust. With the buying cycle being what it is, content is crucial more than ever. People are skeptical and good quality content with a strong message can change this.       

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Technical Design

The success of your online business is your ability to convert traffic into buyers. Because there is no direct link to people, being face to face doesn’t mean there is no sale process. Behind every link is a human being. Since the human psyche hasn’t evolved over the years, the buying process is the same. People buy on impulse and justify the purchase through logic later. 

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Sales and Marketing

 You’re in the internet/online business that relies exclusively on technology. Having a basic understanding of how to build funnels, creating email sequences, graphic design, WordPress, and video creation are essential skills that need to be developed. But you don’t need to be an expert in every aspect. With a basic understanding, you will be able to determine quality work from something thrown together. Unfortunately, there is a lot of garbage out there.

W  H  A  T    I  S    D  I  F  F  E  R  E  N  T

Why Us?

Often in today's world it is difficult to trust. With anyone with a phone can create content on the internet. In the last 10 years more content has been created than the entire time man has been in exsistance. The aim here is I have been in the trenches plan on staying in the trenches for years to come. You are not going to get the life at the beach lifestyle that is often promoted inside the internet marketing industry. Often you will see the Gurus' promoting a lifestyle and leave their clients struggling because of lack of availability. Here we are a message away.

We Are Awesome At Our Work

Whether you are a small business owner or an aspiring online marketer. we have a solution for you. This can be having personal guidance or having the tools to operate on your own. Either way we have you covered.


websites designed


customers served over the years


Pieces of content generated annually



Our Clients Say

Here is what some of what my current customers share about their personal experience in the services provided.

"Our email marketing was not keeping up with the times. With the suggestions and impelmetation of an updated email campaingns. We are now seeing our sales beginning to increase."


"Adding the graphic design software into out digital ad campaigns has seen an increase in conversions."

Graphic Designer 

"Our website wasn't converting well and with the right modifications the site is now user friendly."

Investment Manager 

Looking for more Insight? Visit Our Blog

Go visit our blog for education, insight, training in what is happening in the current Internet marketing space.

Affiliate Exclusive Marketing Group

Your journey to success starts here.

Send a message and let me know how I can help you get started. As a bonus I will send you a Free Course on Traffic Domination simply by clicking the button below. My way of saying Thank you.
Our Message

With Afex Marketing the number 1 aim is customer satisfaction. If any reason you don't feel we have delivered on our promise. Feel free to let us know.

All services are guaranteed. We aim for customer satisfaction.


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168 Maribeau Sq, Atlanta, USA

9 Am to 5 Pm Mon thru Fri

Since 1999.